This is for everyone whos ridden a city bus in they're life. Even if you've never been on a bus, still read it or I will throw you between two trees as I walk by with locked arms with Angelina Jolie.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The wheels on the bus

Due to the subject of my blog today, I wanted to start it with the definition on the word "Bus", but I am unable to do that today because I suck and I don't own a dictionary (how am I still in school?). Due to that fact, I will have to start my blog with a bunch of words put together so they make sence alll leading up to this sentence........ Sure I've been taking the bus alot lately. It's not that the bus is a bad thing, actually its quite praticle and sometimes better then a taxi, I just neeed a subject for my blog. First of all, when get on the vehicle and look inside the bus and see dirty floors and really ratty walls, I kind of want to be greeted by a very nice man with a thick, heavy head of hair topped off with a cool hat that bus drivers always wear in the movies. In stead I'm greeted with a "Got money?" by a blue jump suit wearing jack ass with a mullet. Ive been taking the bus twice daily since monday. First I take bus 11 to the go station and then, bus 27 to White Oaks. The first bus really sucks(ratty walls, sticky floors,really sucky), which i take with my friends from the leader in training camp, but then bus 27 is quite luxurious. Blue Cushony seats with a a fancy second level at the back half on the bus, which I don't like going on because I'm always lazy by the end of the day because of very difficult Leader in training training( I'm an ass). It takes a while for bus 27 to get to the go station after I get off bus 11, so everyday, I bring two dollars to the convience store at the train station and buy some m&ms and a cherry vanilla coke for the bus ride home (It's a long bus ride, I get hungry, it's life), then I sprint back to where all the buses are because I think my bus might of got there, but nope, late again. That friggin jack ass bus driver. The bus comes a few minutes late, and im exausted from all the running and a little pissed off at the jack ass bus driver.I get on the bus controling myself from punching the jack ass in the face and as I walk down the aisle, I start looking at the people on the bus who had been on all the times ive been on. The creepy guy who reminds of the guy in the blue shirt from the disani commercail, the lady that never gets off the bus, the skin head whos wears the same shirt with no sleeves and always is carrying a huge jar of chlorine, the guy who's always at the back of the bus and the emo guy. Ive given them all names.

The creepy guy: Danny. The lady obsessed with the bus: Birtha.
The skin head: Pool boy. The back of the bus guy: Arty.
The emo: Emo Jeff.

I have a seat that I sit on every time I'm on bus 27 (it's a cool seat, I like it) , but one time, some lady in a Tim Hortons uniform took my seat. What a jerk.I felt like throwing her out of the friggin window. Well, I controlled myself and didn't throw the jerk lady out of the window, so I just sat down in another seat and went along with a normal day. Like every day, I look at the advertizments on the top of the wall, they're very creative advertizments, I mean, I'd buy what they were selling. I think to myself, "What do you think the advertizments are on the other wallare as creative as the advertizments on this wall?". Then, I think to myself, "Am I spelling advertizments wrong?". So I swicth to a seat on the other side of the bus to find there are no advertizments on the other side of the bus. Good idea, jack ass bus driver. Oh and then, I see my friggin stop coming. What am I thinking at that time? If I knew I was gonna do this much thinking today, I would of brought my dictionary, oh right, I don't have a friggin dictionary.So do I ring the bell? No. Because if I ring the friggnin bell, every one on the bus will look at me and say to themselves, "Woah, what the hell? Did a 13 year old just ring the friggin bell. He's just trying to be cool by ringing the friggin bell. I'm gonna tell my friends about this jerk and then he will be on the news and everyone will know he rang the friggin bell, including thpolice, so he will be arested." See, I don't want that to happen do I? No, if I did, I would look like a friggin idiot with blue socks. I know what most of you were thinking after you read that statement, " Hey Friggin Joel, you ARE an friggin idiot, minus the blue socks part, because I've never seen you in blue socks, you idiot." And to you, I have this to say, "I'm not an idiot and I'm wearing blue socks right now, I'll even prove it to you, next time I see you tell me to go get my blue socks and I'll go get them, honestly Il'll sprint back home and get them, if you think lying I'm not!. So SHUT UP! You're the idiot. I bet you saw Pirates of The Carribean 2 the first weekend it came out, you IDIOT!"

Well, anyway I can't ring the bell, so I have to hope someone rings the bell at my stop. If they do, no big deal. I just say "Dangit! I'm such an idiot." and get over it. the next stop is close to my house and I know Danny gets off there every time, so I'm good. So, get off the Bus and that's the end of this blog.